now you know why Iola was voted the best car show in the US multiple times.

as i am sure you have heard on the announcements, and this needs to be repeated. most of the people selling food, directing traffic and doing the dirty work are VOLUNTEERS. most of the $$$ earned from the show are used to support local charities.

my friend who i share his swap spaces, his father was one of the original group that started the show. he has been to every Iola car show they have had. he used to run the popcorn wagon for a lot of years. for a long time he was the only for profit food vendor. his parents passed away and they kicked him out as a for profit food vendor. now there are multiple for profit vendors but they still won't let him sell popcorn. i guess they make way to much $$$for the effort required to turn a profit to pass up.

perception is 90% of reality