Rocky Horror is an awesome show. But yeah, it's very polarizing. You either love it or you hate it.
Thunderbolt & Lightfoot is awesome because there's just SO many classic actors in it as side players! Gary Busey, Burton Gilliam, Vic Tayback, Dub Taylor, Catherine Bach.... it's almost a who's-who of upcomers in Hollywood at the time. It's crazy to think of all the super-famous actors from back then who were actually friends! Hollywood certainly has changed and not really for the better.

Thunder & Lightning with David Carradine, Roger C. Carmel, & Chuck Napier is a pretty good flick.
Gumball Rally is amazing
Cannonball! is Ok, but is your typical cheap Corman flick
Death Race 2000 - the original. The Remake blows chunks.

I'm hoping that somebody does whatever they can to dig up a few more more obscure classics.

We need a proper DVD or Blu-Ray release of "Moonrunners".... though I hear there's some issues with Waylon Jennings' estate on that one since all the music is his.
Would LOVE to see Joe Don Bakers' "Speedtrap" get a release. I've suggested that one to Vinegar Syndrome and they are looking into it.
"Stingray" with Chris Mitchum, Les Lannom, Sherry Jackson & William Watson HAS been restored using a pre-release print and even includes two or three scenes not included in the theatrical print. However, legal issues is tying this one up as nobody seems to know who owns the rights anymore. It's another I've suggest to Vinegar Syndrome and they may look into it since the leg work is already done!
"Double Nickles" by Toby Halicki's buddy Jack Vacek is another that needs to find release, but that's tied up in legal BS with the Halicki estate.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....