My side hustle is a sports photographer. I mostly do high school level for a couple of public schools. I've probably shot close to 300 games now I've never seen coaches act unprofessionally, but damn, have I seen some parents act like complete door knobs. Yelling at kids and getting ejected from the game. There is a lot more accountability in high school sports due to the student's academic future being tied to their conduct, so I'm sure it's worse with travel teams. Last incident was a father circling the rink at a hockey game screaming at his kid. Ref had to stop play, eject the guy and threaten to involve police. It got worse when another parent felt the need to heckle the original guy creating the issue.

I can count on one hand though the times I've witnesses this kind of crap. It's rare in HS sports.

1987 Fifth Avenue - 512/518/D60