Dad would take a small drill bit, and work it on a nail when he did that to make a hole. When I worked at the IH dealer, we were stocking tractor trailer springs on a rack, and I dropped one on one of my big toes (no steel toes shoes there). Hurt like nothing else, but I worked the rest of the day. When I got home, the wife saw me limping,and when I took my shoe and sock off, the front half of my foot was purple. So she said come on,we're going to the ER. Doc wanted to give me a shot in my foot for the pain, but I said I did this this morning, and had been on it all day and didn't need the shot. Came back from x ray, and I had shattered the bone in the toe. Doc said he was going to make a few holes in the nail to relieve the pressure ( I remembered dad's drill bit trick and expected the same kinda thing) Wife asked the Doc if it would hurt...Doc said "small pinch....Next thing I knew I thought he dropped another spring on me. I looked down and he had a soldiering iron. He did it again and another scream outta me. Doc said I need to to do this again....The wife ripped into him. The Hell you are, I thought you said it wouldn't hurt!


1981 Dodge D150 360 auto