I towed a car trailer for a few years with a 360 in a 4x4 Ramcharger, which is a shorter wb then a short box pickup.

It did the job for a couple of years while we were dirt track racing. If your roads are rough, or have those irritating bumps where the concrete slabs are jointed, it will bounce worse that a long box truck would because the axle spacing makes each axle hit the bumps independently, not in pairs like the longer truck axles do. As far as doing the job, the short wb tends to be more effected by how the weight is set on the trailer then a longer truck would be. Your going to have a bunch of guys telling you the 1/2 ton just isn't heavy enough to pull a trailer, but it was done for years, you just have top pay more attention while your pulling the trailer, things go wrong with a 1/2 ton faster then they do with a 3/4 or 1 ton, and they can go wrong a little faster with the short wb then they do with a longer wb. Gene