Originally Posted by 83hurstguy
Originally Posted by GODSCOUNTRY340
Wow! Now I see why people don't want to put anything on Moparts anymore. There are just some people that want to over analyze everything they can and claim it's possibly fraudulent. Sorry I shared this with Moparts, I thought it was a good learning point. From now on I'll just keep things to myself and the righteous ones on here can go back to Facebook and play with the liberal weenies there.

I don't understand the perceived negativity. The video shows a lot of data, and there are a quite a few good learning points in the comments here. Nobody is attacking Nick personally, he made it clear in the video that he knew nothing about the engine internals. There will be people telling everybody to "trash the manifolds, headers are a +44 hp mod, just watch the video!"

As always, reality is a bit more complex... if you are building a new engine that you want to optimize, you have to make a decision whether it's going to be a manifold or header engine, then build accordingly.

I guess the comment that the test can be "rigged" to get result left the impression of calling the video a fraud.

So the learning point is headers may give large improvement depending on the combination, but also just a marginal improvement with different combo. The whole point of say I can make a dyno test do what ever I want, while true is not relevant to this post unless your accusing the video of doing just that.
I imagine most folks know that if your testing you need to keep all the variables you can constant. They probably also know just because one combo works really better with headers, that a whole different combo may not work as well with headers.