Originally Posted by Jerry
the biggest issue is the entry level work force that does everything from load parts in a machine to sweeping and or mopping floors. all these things have to be done. these are the giuys making anywhere from 12-17/hr. with continued availability of unemployment benefits of 600-700 per week, and alot of them not being required to attend work if your home watching kids who can't go back to school, there is no way that any production is getting done. i've got a roofer buddy paying 20 cash/hr just to get people to show up. this is going to have way long term effects as even when these people come back to work its going to take 18+ months for them to get remotivated

The amount of money the government is giving people is rediculous. I know some that are taking in $3500 per month. That may not be enough for people who have a house payment but for someone that only rents why work. Add in stimulus money and they are even less motivated.

Her is an example single parent $575 per wk unemployment, now an additional $300 per month per child under 6 will be coming, he has two, then there is $650 in snap payment (old food stamp program). Thats $3550 per month. Then there is free pre-school so he spends the day at the beach.

He is making more not working. His expenses are $2000 per month. His feeling is why go back to work untill the gravy train comes to a stop. I'm sure many are doing this.
