Thanks! And thanks for understanding.

Whew. Lucky to be busy but this COVID is still causing issues. IF I happened to run out of a product or raw material in the past I could get a shipment within days. Now things are taking weeks or months. Hard to plan for that. I have been making MASSIVE purchases of raw materials, a years worth, but running out of storage space. Was looking at property to build on this past weekend.

Some of the issues....

USPS - A disaster, still. There was a national new story last week talking about mail still taking weeks to get delivered. We are only using UPS and not sure when/if we will ever use the mail again.

Raw material - taking MUCH longer to get. Months instead of weeks.

Purchased items - Luckily we make most of what we sell but some purchased items are backordered for months; weatherstripping, windshield seals, beltline weatherstrips. I've been waiting on some items from summer and fall of LAST YEAR.

BOXES! - Now special boxes backordered for weeks!

What next?!?! smile Mopar body and heater box restoration gaskets