DON'T USE panel bond to attach the braces to the hood skin.
when panel bond dries it gets rock hard. now your hood flexes and you just made a up dent in your hood.

you need something that stays flexible when it dries. 3M might make something designed for this. i don't have the product chart to look this up on hand, my 3M supplier paint rep has it.

if I were doing this i would use 3M urethane seam's available in a couple of different colors, our shop uses gray. we keep this in stock ALL of the time and it works excellent. i have been using this product for at least 15 years without problems. and it's always in stock our shop gets it in what i call sausage packages and uses a special gun. after looking it up i see it's sold in conventional tubes also.
keep in mind it takes a LONG time, a couple of days, for it to fully cure if you apply if thick like you will need in your situation. it will skin over and appear to be dry, but the inner part will still be wet. you try touching it and it will make a mess.

3m Urethane seam sealer.

this product isn't cheap so keep that in mind.
i have seen similar products made by other companies that is usually cheaper than 3M. i have used a few of them. they are similar but thinner than 3M. in your situation it won't matter.

in a pinch as long as the metal is properly prepped you can use windshield urethane also if that is easier for you to get.. this stays flexible when it dries also.

perception is 90% of reality