The "bent look" is probably caused by the way the body and box are set on the frame. Its very likely the frame is perfectly straight, but the body and box have a nose down mounting, and he failed to keep the grille and radiator height on the same plain,. The radiator height is probably 2" - 3" too high. Its easy to make that mistake, especially if you can't get far enough away from it when the body is set on the frame, or if you get in a hurry when its time to install the radiator. The fix could be as easy as lowering the radiator, or it could be a lot more complex.

I see it happen often, and it seldom gets fixed by the original builder. Sometimes the next owner fixes it, and the truck takes on an entirely different appearance. Some people like the look, and that is OK as well, its their ride. I'd have to fix it if it was mine. Gene