A little update. I disassembled to the point that I had access to the cable, took it loose & planned on putting the old one back on to see if anything changed but the old sensor wouldn’t fit into the new hub, which I didn’t expect. I didn’t try to force it, no sense making a bad situation worse. So I compared the two terminals & it appeared that the prongs on the new one were smaller than the originals. But with these antique eyes I can’t be certain & I have no way of measuring them. But I carefully pushed the new prongs down just a bit to hopefully have a better chance of making contact. So....... I then started the truck to see if by some miracle the lights were out. But no, there they were, angrily shining their beady little bulbs at me, defiantly daring me to have another go at them. Well, I’m old, & as long as the brakes are working, I don’t much give a crap about the lights, I figured I could tackle them another day, maybe get some helpful hints that would lead me down the glowing path to redemption.

So I buttoned everything back together & headed out on my merry way, visions of sugar plums dancing in my head. Then, glancing down at the dash, sufferin’ succotash! The lights were off! A Christmas miracle!

Will they stay off? Time will tell, but at least for the moment I’m happy!

"Gentlemen, we must all hang together, or surely, we shall all hang seperately."--Benjamin Franklin www.wwnboa.org if you're interested in '62-'74 B-Bodies