I have hundreds, if not thousands of car magazines in boxes in the attic. I can honestly say that the only one I ever dug out for reference was the Hot Rod/Car Craft/Popular Hot Rodding....whatever one it was, that had the "Hoovers Mover" article in it. That was the one with Tom Hoovers notch back Cuda with the 360 in it, and told how to machine .020 over 340 pistons to put them in a 360. I did the cheapo version and used 4.040 stock pistons. It worked good, but my machinist said not to ever ask him to do some realcrazy crap like that again! Now you can buy any kind of piston imaginable for 360 motors, so no need to dig that ancient recipe out ever again. I guess at 63, it's time I start dealing with the hoard of magazines myself! work