Originally Posted by Remy-Z
Had to poke my nose in on this one. Used to post a lot, got burned out on several fronts and walked away from most forums for a while. Got more into writing, which now occupies most of my day...once I'm done I'm ready to run from the computer. Unloaded my Imperial in March, now tinkering with a trash-can Fox body that would've been a nice, clean four-cylinder if it hadn't gone for a shallow swim. Glad to see that AMXAUTOX is still doing well, really helped me out during a low point in my life. I do miss the wild conversations that would go pages deep, every now and then I stop by and lurk for a bit.

If any of y'all are out and about next year, the MoParty deal in Bowling Green would be a great place to stop by!

Good to see you Remy, long time no hear.. How’s life after Army?

“So if it’s on the internet it must be true”

Abe Lincoln