I have heard many people saying the pandemic slowdown has helped lead them to gaining weight etc. Has anyone one else used the extra free time to lose weight and get in shape? I started taking a little better care of myself mid summer 2019. I was doing some walking and not eating a sub and bag of chips for lunch anymore. The weight started to come off so I hit the gym in Nov of 19. By around March the Covid thing hit and shut the Gym down. So I had to make a decision quit and waste all my hard work or keep going at home? I kept on walking and bought some dumbbells. So now the routine is 150 push ups 150 sit ups and dumbbells 5 or 6 days a week 3mi walks a few times a week.

So far at 53 I'm still enjoying the workouts and the new healthy lifestyle. I was 275lbs now down to 200 at 6' 2". Bonus is I'm now off the bp and cholesterol meds too. Has anyone here done a similar transition and were you able to maintain it long term? I have to say it also really helps your outlook with all the depressing news these days. Even the Wifegod like the new me better devil


Last edited by HEMIDOG 70; 12/02/20 09:55 PM.