I bought a cheap electric one from Harbor Freight for small branches, its ok but the branches have to be pretty small or it jams up. Most of the time I just throw the branches in my pickup and take them to the town " recycling center " about three miles away. I wish my town vacuumed up the leaves as bagging them is a pain in the behind. Word has it that years ago my town used to vacuum them up but a town employee sucked up a small dog years ago and that was the end of that, don't know if its true or not. My property is small only 80x100 with quite a few trees so I get many leaves, I found that blowing and raking them into a large pile then going over them with my lawnmower greatly reduces the size of the pile and amount of bags I need. Some of my neighbors have like 15-20 bags of leaves out for pickup , since I " mulch" mine up with the lawnmower I only have 5-6.

68 Dart 410 / 904
92 D150 original owner
21 Ram 1500 Quad Cab, Big Horn , Hemi ,4x4
23 Audi Q5
16 Honda HRV