Opening up to the public sounds good, until you actually do it. As started, my place is nothing like theirs. I've had a few small events and almost every time it's a cluster. No matter how much pre work I do and things I prepare for, the general public will always find a way to do something you didn't think about. Those that have seen my displays at events, see that I do everything I can to NOT rope off a car. I want people to get close and see everything they can. I've had stuff stolen out of cars, had people open doors, trunks and pretty much act like these cars worth well into 6 figures each are theirs to play with it.

There is also the mental side of it. I tend to hang around my setups if I don't have things roped off because I know the above can and has happened. Same goes for the museum. Makes it difficult for me to enjoy. Now, I'm going to stanchion stuff off for the first time because I can't handle a large crowd without having something happen to a car or display.

Just presenting the other side.
