Open Range is great. I love how it starts slow and builds up the tension before turning it loose. At the time it came out, I thought it had some of the best gun sound effects I'd heard in a movie, when played through a decent sound system.

Unforgiven is another one I enjoy for similar reasons regarding the tension. Of course, The Outlaw Josey Wales is a good one. I liked both iterations of True Grit.

While not as historically accurate as other Wyatt Earp movies, I really like Tombstone. It's just an entertaining film. Val Kilmer was great fun to watch as Doc Holliday.

One of the best western plots to me in a long time is on a different medium, but the story in Red Dead Redemption 2 was great to play through.

Last edited by 2Bad360sfromNC; 10/26/20 09:03 PM.

1968 Charger project. I don't have a fender tag or a buildsheet, so it's getting a 440. Help me decide on a color--most everything looks great! (NOT white. My Challenger is white. Need some variety :D)
1974 Challenger 360
2012 Challenger R/T
1991 Dakota 5.2