Thanks fort he input, I will talk to the dealer. I looked at my states DMV site on dealer fraud and damage aside there paperwork vs the info from the NMVTIS someone is trying to skirt something on this car, its plain as day, like looking at two sets of books that should be the same.

Anyway it should be interesting.

What sucks is I like the car, I can fix whats wrong, but they got rules they must play by and in this case it dont look liike they have.

My states DMV site does suggest trying to work it out with the dealer then if nothing productive happens they have the forms to fill out to get the state AG involved.

But I can tell ya, over the years ive seen alot of stuff that dont add up on cars, titles and paperwork and this deal here has red flags the size of texas.

The more I wrote the more confusing I can make it sound so I will report what comes of things.