Originally Posted by A34
I'll throw my two cents in on this unscientific poll. I was there with a group of around 10 people, no one wore a mask. Age range 22 to 65. We all wandered the swap meet, the vendor area, the display cars, etc. I spoke to people about their show cars and had people come speak to me about mine. We ate out at various restaurants, visited local stores, etc. No one has caught COVID since the show.

More unscientific data:

* I, nor anyone in my immediate family, have wore a mask since the outbreak. My son got married in May. We had a mixture of 50+ people from around the USA, no one wore a mask, and no issues.

* I have a cousin who is a germaphobe who wore a N95 mask and gloves while around his 83 yr old mother, and practiced social distancing. She is a shut-in. She caught COVID from him. He's not sure where he got it. She has a compromised immune system, but recovered fully with some anti-biotics and hydroxychloroquine. She was never hospitalized, just took her meds at home.

* My mother and sister who took my Aunt for COVID testing and assist her as a shut-in, do wear a mask, and did not, and have not, caught the COVID from my Aunt or anyone else.

As mentioned above, most people at Carlisle were not wearing masks. At least to my observations. I think that the things I was exposed to in the Army immunize me against most things. That, or my steady eating at Waffle House. I'm not sure which. Maybe both?

Maybe related, a few friends played golf last weekend. A fierce thunderstorm interrupted the round. Of the golfers I spoke with days later, all said individually they had not been struck by lightning. work

I'm assuming I don't need to state the obvious here.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.