Originally Posted by Mr. Potatohead
No disrespect to others, but I dont get the whole concept.

You dont like what one says so you shut them off. Im combative as hell and I have none on ignore. What happened to the old get in the ring and fight school of thought?

Reminds me of the weak minded youth of today.

I had to write this to my nephew to get him to call me last week.

"Dont know why you dont answer my texts, this is some of the most foolish bs ive seen in my life. Since when are we a bunch of diaper wearing [censored]." Last word being F--ks.

I know folks here are OLD, im old but not too old to still crack open some heads when needed.

It may sound odd, but this is the very reason why I do like your posts (and dare I say have respect for the author?). Not that you're wanting to crack skulls, but because you don't pussyfoot around. A guy I used to work with (and became friends with) was as subtle as a boot to the head, but there was never any doubt where you stood with him, or how he felt about something. It turned a lot of people off, but I loved it and found it kinda funny how he could make millennials squirm (oh, he was 68 at the time)

I don't have the desire to fight everyone, so, just easier to ignore. Gotta choose your battles, no?



The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥