Thanks for the explanation. If the original poster has an issue with failing a perc test then something like the Aqua Klear might work. It uses what is basically a giant air stone (if you have ever brewed beer this will make sense) to stir up and aerate the sewage. The bacteria that break it down in this sytem are aerobic bacteria as opposed to anaerobic bacteria that exist in the soil. All the processing happens in the tank, not the soil which is why I am thinking it might be a good solution on the failed perc test front. The systems are made in Mississippi I believe.
The one thing that the person we bought it from said is that there are a couple of laundry detergents to not use. I think it was Tide and Gain but would have to confirm. Basically you do not want anything that is anti bacterial as that defeats the purpose....
We had to replace the diaphragms in the air pump after 7 years of continuous running but that is the only maintenance so far.

Last edited by David_in_St_Croi; 07/05/20 08:48 PM.

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