For those of you looking for a way to deal with the advertising overhead, here are a couple of solutions I've been using for some time now, this is PC based, using Firefox browser (but for the most part the add-ons are universally available for multiple browsers):

1) NoScript
- truth be told, you can run this with the default config, but the more advanced stuff is not for the faint of heart, I'm an IT guy, so I absolutely love the controls otherwise

2) uBlock Origin - Firefox, uBlock Origin - Chrome
- very simple interface, the visual 'dashboard' allows you to turn off anything annoying with a 'point-n-click' type of an interface, so you literally load the page, then use a pointer to tell the add-on which parts of the website should be disabled, in other words: point to the add and KILL it!

Feel free to PM me if you want any extra info on these. Again, PC based solution, haven't tried this on any of my mobile devices because I simply can't stand trying to do this type of stuff on a tiny screen!