Bill Sr. built the foundation of Norwalk Raceway Park and set the tone of customer first - Since Bill Jr. took over the track it has grown to what it is today - Bill Jr. is one of the best businessmen I know and he has the training and experience outside of the raceway to prove it - He is also politically savvy and if he wanted to open he could - many lawmakers here in Ohio call him a good friend - He is no dummy when it comes to the numbers - I am guessing he just did not see a path forward this year and chose to suspend operations to protect the cash on hand. I have raced at Norwalk for well over 35 years now and have seen what it was and what it has become - I have also had many a conversion with Bill Sr., Bill Jr. and Bobbie Bader and one thing is very clear making money and making people happy is the number one rule - they don't do things to loose money on purpose. He needs spectators and food sales without them there is no success. They will be back in 2021 - this year is a wash for us racers anyway - its gonna be a test and tune year - just to get some seat time.