Thanks for posting that up Too funny.

A long time ago I worked for the summer in Atlantic City on Steeplechase Pier and there was a glass maze on the pier as one of the amusements. Most of the time it was funny especially when a group of young macho guys with their dates would get into a contest of how fast they could get through it. They would knock themselves to the floor within a few turns. Very few could get through it without a hard hit of the glass.......................except us the guys that worked on the pier everyday. We had it down to under 10 seconds IIRC and kept score, we did it just about every day and the word would spread if the current record was broken. I'll show you the trick to getting through a glass maze that works except for a brand new glass maze.

On the kids yes some of them took some pretty good hits to the glass and they sometimes would cry out of frustration more than the hit they took to the glass. Some would just give up and sit on the floor and cry and one of the operators of the maze would have to go in and lead them out to their waiting parents or guardians, all good at that point.

Now here was or is the trick to getting through it but it is the least fun way to get through it, I mean the real fun of it is to actually run into the glass and feel like an @$$ blush laugh2

(Oh I worked the go-kart ride and got pretty good at PIT maneuvering someone that was banging and ramming others. If they didn't stop when warned we had a standby (fastest kart) that one of us would jump in and run down the offender, if they didn't stop we would PIT them.....too much fun.

Glass Maze 001.jpgGlass Maze 002.jpg