So I had a really bad accident Monday working in the backyard when my hand grinder equipted with a cut-off wheel kicked right out of my grip landed onto my left arm. It damn near cut my hand off instantly ...luckily I'm big boned. I'm very lucky the kids had just gotten home from school to help me or I might not even be here anymore. It was like a scene out your favorite horror movie or Call of Duty. I lost alot of blood but my Air Force training kicked in and I knew what to do. The girls helped me call for help, make a torniquet with my belt and helped me dress the wound to stop/slow the bleeding while I waited for a ride to the Hospital. I ended up at Mt Carmel East and after 4 hours of surgery they got me back in one piece. Apparently I cut through my radial artery, several blood vessels and several tendons but Mt Carmel East had a orthpedic and cardiovascular surgeon on staff that day to put me back together. Overall I lost somewhere between 2 to 4 pints of blood but I stayed concious up until they were getting me ready for surgery then the blood loss caught up with me and I passed out. Wouldnt have mattered though because they were about to knock me out anyway for surgery. They kept me overnight, pumping me with IV's, antibiotics and pain meds. So now I'm back home and healing as fast as I can. My wife has been stuck taking care of me and she's done pretty good, she laughs at me alot because I still try when I really shouldnt. Although I thought I was ready to try going back to work right away the doctors said ...umm no you stay home at least a week. Its a good thing I did because I've been so t-i-r-e-d ...Zzz. I've slept about 16 hours a day since getting home and I still feel drained. I'll be back to work Monday and the cast gets removed in a couple of weeks. In the meantime I still have a ton of work in the garage before racing so it may be awhile before I'm racing this year. Unless someone feels enough pity to help me.

So everyone please be extra careful preparing for the upcoming racing season because in moment... you never know if you'll even get to race again.

33 Plymouth Roadster - 383 - 5.90 1/8th 9.58 1/4
68 Dart - 340
66 Belvedere - 400

Windy Hollow Garage -