Do you mean "Factory Service Manuals" when you say FSM? If so, I have several of them. For the 1970 cars I have the large white one for the all PLYMOUTH models (cuda) and the smaller yellow one for the Dart / Challenger. They both pretty much list the same information in them. I read through them and they were helpful, but this is how I desided to do it.

If there is anything you would like me to add to the site.... just let me know.



This is why people do not want to share ideas.

Instead of making some suggestions on how it can be improved and working together to create a comprehensive detailed how to section, you instead criticize the effort.

One question I have is how far did the steering shaft collapse after you hit it with the hammer? (A hammer has no place anywhere near a steering column) What other damage did you do to possibly the lock housing components and the bearing by driving the bearing into the shaft instead of drawing it onto the shaft?

By not disassembling and reassembling the column using factory procedeures the safety equipment and functionality of the column can be seriously compromised and is dangerous.

What procedures did you use to insure proper torque specs, shaft centering and shaft to coupler alignment?

As I read this for about the 20th time I read it as someone who is concerned enough to speak up with legitament questions. While it could have been written more tactfully, it raises only questions about safety not only for you, but other people that you are now sharing this with.

We have discussed FSM's before I don't understand why you have not gotten one yet, they are priceless.