Still busting butt on the property. Setback yesterday afternoon and this morning chasing no spark on the mower. Getting it going for the first time is always a challenge even though I run all fuel out lube and change oil in the fall. Problem was a pesky interlock under the seat that requires me to be setting upon to start. Contacts must have corroded so de=oxit sprayed on fixed it, only after chasing every other connection and circuit. Finished up after lunch and my post above and spent 4 hours mowing orchard and cover crop on garden area. Tilling in the next day or three.
With the nice weather and garden work I've lost 6 # down to 183 @ 6'1" Feeling pretty fit @ 62. I got leftovers and an organic chicken apple sausage, and an unmemorable vegetable for dinner. Ice cream is calling me now.