Took this from a FB posting. It’s so true.

Has anyone my age had this hit them?
We've arrived! We are the older generation!
The baby boomers are now the seniors.
We are the generation born between 1946 and 1964
We were the now generation of the 60's

Back then we were hoping for a BMW
Now we're hoping for a BM
Back then we were getting out to a new, hip joint
Now we're getting a new hip joint
We were the generation getting our heads stoned
Now were planning on getting our headstone
We were the generation of long hair
Now we're longing for hair
Then: Acid rock
Now: Acid reflux
Then: Worrying about no one coming to your party
Now: Worrying about no one coming to your funeral
Then: KEG
Now: EKG
Then: Swallowing acid
Now: Swallowing antacid
Then: You’re growing pot
Now: Your growing pot (belly)
Then: Popping pills, smoking joints
Now: Popping joints and taking pain pills

“So if it’s on the internet it must be true”

Abe Lincoln