Originally Posted by Alaskan_TA
With Facebook, do not allow members to add themselves or other members to add them.

I learned that early on.

If you look at each 'persons' page before letting them in, you can avoid a lot of spammers.

That won't always work if the Facebook user has 1/2 a brain.

Working internet security for years... I try to tell all the friends I have, NEVER post anything as public.
Many don't listen... or have 3000+ on their "friends list" whistling
It's just asking for trouble... especially if you ever join in on any of those "What's your fav..." lists.
Hackers love writing scripts to sift through info like that... (password questions)
So if people are smart...
The only thing you would see looking at their public page would be a few generic profile Pics.

It is nice scrolling on here without all the...
"Make big $$$$ from home in days", "Loose 50lbs in wks" & "4hr wood", posts every other comment. thumbs