Well, I don't know about you, but I thought Mopars had some GREAT sounding exhausts back in the day - especially the Cudas & R/T Challengers. The T/A Challengers & AAR's did not sound that good - very restrictive mufflers. This being said however, the E-body perf. models had CRAPPY flowing exhausts & lost some significant HP through them I believe. 440 & Hemis should have had dual 3" exhaust with good mufflers, but they probably would have been too loud for factory expectations. On the E-bodies, the outlet of the rear mufflers were under 2" diameter, plus the systems were 2.25", & inner cores of the resonators & rear mufflers were probably 2" or even smaller. NOW, if you pay attention to your exhaust, you can get a very good flowing system. I wish I would have known this back when I had my 71 Hemi Charger.

On the Ford side, the '69 Shelbys I thought had GREAT sounding exhaust & very unique tone through the single rear transverse muffler. Dual exhaust through a single oval muffler - although I have no idea how well the OE ones flowed. They sure sounded cool though.

Last edited by Sunroofcuda; 04/03/20 12:20 PM.

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