Luckily, it sounds like you are ok with minimal damage.

My wife and I are Univ. of Idaho grads and lived in Moscow from 1990-1995. Even with all the geomorphology classes I took (learning about the Great Missoula Floods, etc.), anything seismic related in Idaho was pretty much glossed over.

With that being said, I am a Santa Rosa, California native, and my earliest memory was riding out the 6.0ish earthquakes up there in 1969. Even though these were "only" at that level, they caused severe levels of damage in the S.R. downtown due to the city being built on a sedimentary basin. As a two year old, I still remember my dad having to navigate his way over all the broken glass downtown as we made our way in the family Mercury to his business on 4th Street so that he could check to see if everything was ok.

I've since experienced many earthquakes since that one, including several big ones in Japan. They never fail to get your attention by making you go over your mental emergency checklist.

Good luck, and hopefully it isn't a foreshock for the Yellowstone Super-volcano!