You're not lifting enough. If you want to move mountains and hit harder you need to get under the bench and the squat rack more. Like at least 4 times a week.

You might not like this, but if you want to get stronger, drop the kettle bells and replace it with 1 to 1.5hrs of lifting. The reason for omitting kettle bells is, My opinion; I think kettle bells are a "fad of the month" thing and it's hard on the joints. twocents The rest of your routine looks really good, I wouldn't change anything else.

I understand your cardio because of the weight you are trying to keep off, good job by the way. up If you feel like you are missing some cardio, just jump on the stationary bike for 15 minutes while you are lifting. It's the best: it doesn't smash your joints like running and gives you a little break from crushing a bunch of inclines.


Mo' Farts

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