Speedvideo. This year it's not free. Duck X, Sweet 16, PDRA, NMRA, NMCA, World Cup and some other events will be part of their subscription service. $25/month or $150/year. I ponied up the $25 just to see how it looked. The production is good, service is fine. Lee Sebring and Brain Lohnes is doing Lights Out. And I like the PDRA show. Plus there's a Showdown event at VMP.

So will see. Depending on the schedule, I may not renew every month. Motormania looks like it's mostly big buck bracket racing. Anything I really want to watch is pay-to-play. No more free rides, except for Warren Evan's dragracerTV and D1TV on YouTube, NHRA divisional races which I want to see too.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.