Originally Posted by SANDYinNS Canada
I'm glad I have gotten closer to Stu than most guys. I could call him most anytime drop in etc.Our last phone call was really awkward as we both knew it could be the last one.......... This has been a huge loss for me. Stu was the focal point of most, if not all the trips I had made to the Bay area. He was a real character, larger than life if you can believe that. We attended many car shows ...but the real party was at his place the club house. It was a guarantee that he would invite a bunch of local guys over and we would bs about cars politics whatever came up. I still keep in touch with the many guys and gals that I met thru Stu.

I seemed rather fitting that a whole bunch of us were in the bar prior to the service . Sally, Stu's wife came in there and found us .. I couldn't help but think that if Stu was there he would have been right there with us! Maybe in spirit he was! It was also pretty cool ( after the service) we were out in the parking lot beers in hand ....huddling around Joann's superbird.... hood up diagnosing a carb issuie !

I made a weekend out of it hanging out with the guys and fitting in the Turlock swap meet. Picked up a few parts for my super bee. Tried my best not to be sad as that wasn't Stu.

Yup. It was good to see you at both Stu's memorial and Turlock.