All of this is exactly why I drive a 51 Plymouth, well that and I like the Cambridge.

No one can hack into it, nothing to hack.

No one can track me, nothing to track.

My daughter got me a fit bit, anyone tracking that must think I live in my top dresser drawer.

If I need a watch I have an old Timex.

I do have a smart phone. It's battery is removable,

Paranoid? Not really, just someone that enjoys his privacy. Some of the places I go for work demand an email address for access. I usually use to get past that.

Recently got called up for jury duty. The legal requirements are you be a resident and not convicted of certain crimes, bouncing checks being one of them. The questionnaire they required me to fill out asked a bunch of personal information about both myself and my spouse. I answered No to all of them. I am required to fill it out. I am not required to provide the answers they want.