Have done both for years and never really noticed a difference in parts breakage between the two. I run fairly loose converter and a glide so maybe that softens the hit some. I video my passes in car and you can't tell much of a difference between me footbraking at 2600-2800 and trans braking at 3500. Car slows up about .02 footbraking at a lower RPM but that's about it.

As far as consistency, you can be just as good at footbraking as you can with a trans brake, BUT the trans brake can remove a few variables that will make you more consistent IF you are not real good at footbraking.

Especially if you use a delay box.

67 Barracuda street/bracket car 11.27-119
68 Dart 502 BB 8.70s-152
414 cid SB Dragster 7.65-174