Originally Posted by Greg55_99
It's winter and my garage is cold up here in New England. I got this "butt warmer" over 20 years ago in Germany when I was stationed there and switched it over to propane with a regulator from an old barbeque grill. Doesn't heat the whole garage, but it keeps my hind end and hands warm when I'm messing around with my car. Also don't worry about ventilation since the garage ceiling is so high. What are you guys using?


I use gas that brings in outside air for combustion.
I would warn everyone to put any unvented heater on a timer, or get a carbon monoxide shutoff, some units have the. I had a friend that was changing a trans on his van fall asleep in a garage with a torpedo heater, it was ugly. He spent 2 weeks in the hospital, he was never right after that. It screwed his brain up, went from a good paying job to a plain repetitive job, just couldn't think fast anymore. It turned him into a droid for lack of a better term, seriously do not chance it. 25 years of hell for him.