

I'm also at the point of buying and installing a 5 point harness into a stock bench seat application. I was going to weld tabs to the crossbar, just behind my shoulders, as for the crotch strap have not figured that one out just yet, should I weld a plate to the stock floor with a Tab, then wrap the belt up the front of the bench seat? or have a hole cut in the upholestry. Any suggestions on the best belt to buy for a NSS type application. Thanks.

Plate the floor is fine. But make sure that you cut a hole in the seat for the crotch strap. The point of it is to keep you upright in a crash. If it's too far forward, it will allow you to slip down and you could get hurt as mentioned above.


Did I say it was safe? No. In fact I said it's probably not safe. Do I trust my life with it? No. I don't trust my life with anything I drive, even if I'm surrounded by airbags. You're still gonna die if the crash is bad enough. CHIP

You are right if the crash is severe enough, there is always a probability that you could die. The idea is to maximize your chance at life under all circumstances.

What about a less severe crash? What about the broken axle 90 degree turn low speed head on starting line crashes? Even if you hit the wall at 35mph you might see a 20g load. 320lbs x 20 g's is 6400lbs that the belts see.

Wider shoulders certainly helps, but coming aroudn the side, I doubt it's enough in a crash. I bet you could pull the belts off your shoulders with your hands.

Not trying to tell you how you have to live your life, just trying to open your eyes a little to something other then the "if the crash is bad enough you're gonna get hurt anyway" mentality.

well said