Originally Posted by forphorty
Originally Posted by AndyF
Originally Posted by second 70
Originally Posted by AndyF
Had an issue with one of the Snipers so we're waiting for a replacement. Should be back on the dyno in a couple of weeks.


Never did get the dual Sniper setup to run. Tried them on a different engine and still had problems. Switched back and forth between carbs and the dual Snipers and the carbs worked but the dual Sniper setup didn't. Came to the preliminary conclusion that the dual Sniper setup is very sensitive to the design of the intake manifold plenum. Currently we're waiting for a new intake manifold and then we'll run another dyno test.
It looks like it morphed into a Phord too.

Yep. I ran the dual Sniper setup on a 505 Mopar with a tunnel ram and when that didn't work I tried it on a Boss 302 engine with a tunnel ram. We had a blown BB Chevy in the dyno cell a while back and I would've liked to have run the dual Sniper on it. I bet it would've worked just fine. The big eggbeater blower would've solved all of the fuel distribution issues. But it didn't work out to run it on that engine so I'm still waiting for the right opportunity.