Originally Posted by njmopar
Finished the rest of the series. Again nice to see some nice old Mopars, independent of what the opinions are of the show itself. Pretty area as well.
Wish the guy the best, seems like he's all over the place and not so business savvy.

mike has a rock scaling business, it does extremely well with government contracts. (millions/year) he is very wealthy despite the drama that goes on with the show.

the show is a bit deceptive. lots of the inside shots are from multiple locations from other businesses. they portray it as a small area but they use footage from up to a couple hundred miles away. I blast next door for another shop and its amazing watching all the fans dropping in to see the location. I wish mike well, he is a genuine guy and pretty much what you see is what you get. at the end of the day its scripted tv.

they are filming now for a second season