Originally Posted by JERICOGTX
Saturday morning brought on a new day. Feeling better with some sleep and knowing the car launched straight, some of the nerves had calmed down. Paid for another day of Test and Tune, and was told I'd be running after the first round of eliminations of Super Pro, which would be after lunch time. Since I'm in no rush, it doesn't bother me. Around 12:30, they call test and tune to the lanes. Pull the car up, and play the waiting game. About 20 minutes later our line starts moving. As I pull up to the line, my thoughts are racing in my head. Do I make a 660' pass? 1000'? Do the burnout, and stage the car. Lights come down, plant the throttle to the floor, and the 2 step does its job of holding at 5200. Drop the clutch, and the car launches straight as a arrow once again. I'm running this thing out to a 1000'... Well maybe 1100'... maybe 12000'... I lifted at about 1290'. On deceleration, I checked the gauges. Oil pressure=80lbs. Check, Water Temp=150*. Check. What is that odd noise? Click off the ignition, roll the car onto the return road, and call my buddy to come get me with the golf cart, and by the way, can you pick up my time slip at the ET shack?

Car looks awesome. Hope you get it figured out. What was the odd noise you heard?