I had one guy comment to me...."how are you suppose to make money if you put them together so fast?"

The way I look at it....
I love to restore cars, been doing it for over 25 years...

It's still a hobby level business for me without a lot of overhead....Meaning I don't "have" to make a months-end quota to "pay the bills"

I feel that restoration costs are getting way out of hand and way out of reach for the common guy....

There's only one aspect of the overall restoration costs that I can control, it's not the cost of parts , it's not the cost of metal work , it's not the cost of body and paint ......it's my actual labour costs....

I feel that if I can work at a pace that I'm comfortable with and I can charge a price that's more then fair I can help the customer save a little bit...

The closet "big name" resto shop to me does all makes and models and their level of correctness leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to Mopars...Sure the quality of their in-house body and paint are second to none, but they don't turn out a car for under six figures....My labour rate is HALF of what theirs is...

I'd be glad to help anybody finish-up their projects....I exspecially like cars that are already painted and just need re-assembly....

THANKS EVERYBODY for all the kind words