This topic comes up once in a while and as such, I took a poll at the drag strip two years ago. There was no mopar racers running a wedge that had it lower than 36. All racers I talked to were between 36 and 38. This was about 20 mopar racers. And most had all timing in between 1500 and 2K. I have asked this many times since then and its always the same result*.

Years and years ago a well experienced racer gave me some advice, "If everybody is doing it, its probably a pretty good idea".

As stated above, the time marks and the light may change things and every engine can be different. Good luck.

*One racer had his at 34 degrees, and he did this to slow it down. He still messes with timing to run his index.

Last edited by SportF; 07/17/19 08:03 AM.