Originally Posted by ZIPPY
Originally Posted by 69 F5 R/T
loosens over time and is not caught and ends up pounding the bearing out.

From past experience, that is usually a "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" discussion.

Once the bearing is pounded out, of course the lash will open up for that reason only.

If the adjuster isn't found to be physically loose at the same time, then we would know the adjuster didn't loosen up
on it's own.

In the scenario I am referring to, the lash opened up because of a parts failure and no other reason
(which is much more common than the lash opening up first and parts failing afterwards).

If adjusters are coming loose on their own, then that's really the issue (not where the lash was set).

What brand and type/lobes are in this? If you know someone who has played with the lash a bit
on that lobe family, that's who you would really need to talk to.
What is the cam manufacturer's recommended hot lash?

Crane recommends .020 hot for my R276-420 and that's where I intend to start.....The lobe family
seems to be most commonly used in brand X circle track applications, I don't know of anyone else using
it in a Hemi, so I'll have to sneak up on it and find out. I intend to try looser up to .024 or so, and tighter down to .017 or so.

Well and there I go again! I wrote 50% of the #1 reason for needle bearing failures instead of what I should have written;

#1 reason for failures is lash set or left too loose Or too aggressive of a cam being used which should have been paired with bushed rollers vs needle bearing.

Regardless, great post and this was all I was looking for. If there was consensus on solid rollers living longer due to profile/ lash ect ect or not.

Working on a 30,000 mtr drives me to want to understand and be as sure as I can of every working aspect, even more so then the average mtr build, but knowing that many, don't even know where their cam is, even on a built Hemi, tells me that even the Hemi is looked upon just like any other mtr.

I'll go over what I've found and make a decision, but one things for sure, I will not run looser lash than cam makers recommendation, only tighter, knowing the mtr has all of the clearances to do so.

Bringin Back the Iron!