I guess it boiled down to personal preference. I was looking for a way to take advantage of a good quality 1.625" spring from the beginning. Jeremiah and Isky both suggested the 9945RAD spring,which is dimensionally different from PAC's 1326 spring (inner and outer). The Victors are somewhat all over the place,especially between intake and exhaust,as to valve tip height from valve spring seat, another tip from Jeremiah. With the heads being heavily ported, cutting the spring seats is out. Trying to build something here that makes reliable power and not be a valve spring/ valve gear eater.Even with my conservative .690" valve lift ,it was a fight to get a 1.625 RAD series spring in there. The option of the choice of
.030" &.054" locators allows much better tolerance for me to get this dialed in right the first time, rather than having to start from an expensive scratch later.Yes it is near coil bind depending on available hardware.Manley's +.100 titanium retainer was a fight with the rocker arm due to the extra height and thickness.Will be using Isky 975ST light weight steel retainers.Plenty of clearance here. This should produce a very durable pkg. Only wanting to spin it to 7500 ,if necessary. I'm 65 ,so this high on my bucket list! Thanks, Bill