I went with the Lokar cable many years ago, as it seemed to be the only option at the time. Worked OK as was, cable stretch was an issue as has been mentioned.

I've since added the arm and spring return setup from Bouchillon and I haven't had to adjust for a stretched cable for several years.

I have an older (I believe) AndyF throttle setup that has a couple of fwd facing holes below the cable platform, one of which lines up perfectly to attache the cable directly to the lever on my QFT carb.

Once I installed the return spring setup, it was very easy to adjust for travel as has been described in this thread.+

I have slightly less $$$ in the whole shebang than the Bouchillon setup costs now, though I'm sure the Lokar setup has increased in price since I bought it.

Last edited by BcudaChris; 02/15/19 05:10 PM.