Originally Posted By ChrgrCuda
Darren - Great job on an awesome looking product!
Do you have your website up with available P/N's and prices?

I think you just put Mopar back in the game my friend.

thanks for the kind words.
MSRP for all blocks is $7495 (plus taxes & shipping)(all blocks are sold through our Dealers).
I am setting the price for the Pro blocks at the moment, so I will advise very soon when we have a landing number on costs.

Our website (which has perpetually been "under development" Lol.), has been waiting on photography of the new blocks, so expect to see this during February albeit it may be a little limited in content at first the essentials will be there.

Attached is a PDF of current P/N's & specifications.

cheers, DB

Attached PDF document

Darren Beale
Keith Black Racing Engines®