Hi all,

I'm not an ignition expert, so please bear with me. confused

The prior owner of my '71 Satellite added an MSD6AL Ignition Box (model 6420) and an MSD 8680 Adjustable Timing Controller. They both worked fine, but the wiring was a real rat's nest, so I've been working on tidying things up. Unfortunately, I inadvertently disconnected one particular wire, and now I'm not sure where it goes.

The Ignition Start wire (in socket 22 of bulkhead connector, 1st pic below) is currently wired into the thin Red wires coming out of both MSD boxes.

The wire which came loose is coming from socket 23 (Ignition Run) in the bulkhead connector (leads to Ignition-2 on the ignition switch). It appears that this wire might have been connected to the Ignition Start wire in socket 22 (Ignition-1 on the ignition switch). Is that possible? Please advise, thanks.

[Edit: I just found another wiring diagram (3rd pic, below) which shows that sockets 22 and 23 would ordinarily go to opposite ends of the ballast resistor.]


Last edited by Fab64; 01/19/19 01:45 AM.