I have.

2014 1500, replaced all 4 bulbs with supernova v3, I think it was. Low beam was easy, the high beam conversion was a pain in the neck, drilling, plugging and stuffing the cavity in the headlight. Pay particular attention to the orientation of the light elements.

It was a big improvement on low beam, the high beam was only more light in the same area, but reached no further, so, for me was no better than using the lows. Which of course is what is used probably 99% of the time any how.

There is a v4 now for the high beams, and I am tossing the idea around to try them. Supposed to be a big improvement.

Go to Headlight revolution to see the comparison. Good Ram light info.

BTW, bulbs are different between 2 bulb and 4 bulb systems, before you order.

About $200 per pair of bulbs when I got mine, and if I had known that the high beam side would be so little of an improvement over just the lows I would have waited, but it does look like the v4 might be worth it.

I am very happy with the low beam ones,though. WAAAY better.

They will require adjustment, several actually, before oncoming traffic stops high beaming you.

And remember you have no left/right adjustment, only up/down.

It takes gasoline to interest me.