Lots of good info here! I am not going to be using the front clip from the 53. Only using the box, cab, and a grille shell. No problems there. My dad is an electrician so I am not worried about the proper tools being used. He is very good with house wiring and was a locomotive electrician so we have that covered but just couldn't see the quality differences in all of the wiring kits out there.

I used a Rebel kit on my 40 Plymouth coupe and was happy with it. Value seemed good. I have a lot of people swear by the GM alternators but that don't make it true. I will keep it all Mopar in that area. I will convert the ignition to a points style distributor unless I stumble onto a cheap electronic unit.

Thanks for the advice!

Last edited by dusterguy; 12/04/18 01:24 AM.